
Mar 10 2023


2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Internal event: Private cloud specification

Commercial cloud platforms and the virtual environments currently offered by the University restrict access to the platform operating software. This limitation prevents users from manipulating the way the platform is configured and from experimenting with inter-cloud connections. To address this restriction, the University has approved a capital expenditure request for a set of cloud nodes, each based on a cluster of single-board computers running OpenStack. The new facility will be used to support research into cloud architectures and communications as well as for teaching where appropriate.

This meeting will discuss the specification of the new facility and explore the range of expected uses.

From the point of view of sustainability, the motivation for establishing a private cloud facility is to experiment with federated cloud/edge architectures to promote resilience and distributed ownership. These concerns are related to SDG9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure and SDG9: Reduced Inequalities.

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